Issue: | 2019 №1 (65) |
Section: | Management |
UDK: | 339.133.2 |
DOI: | |
Article language: | Ukrainian |
Pages: | 96-104 |
Title: | Consumer behavior of private households in the context of social and management interests |
Authors: | Petrunia V. Yu., University of Customs and Finance, Petrunia Yu. Ye., University of Customs and Finance |
Annotation: | The article deals with the reasons, directions and scope of the interest of society, institutions of state regulation and managers of business structures concerning the behavior of private households as consumers. It was demonstrated that, in the modern socioeconomic system, households act as independent agents, including the area of consumer behavior. At the same time, that behavior can be the subject of interest and influence from the side of society, state institutions of management and business. It was proved that protection of public interests requires the establishment of the certain social control over consumer behavior. Based on the analysis it was established that the social interest in individual consumer behavior can be represented in the following directions (forms): objectal, quantitative and subjectiveterritorial behavior. It was found that objectal interest focuses on the consumers’ choice of specific goods and isassociated with its influence on the state of health, worldview, creative and intellectual development of the nation. In its turn, the state of health has the influence on the public welfare and productivity of social work, on the appropriate costs of the state and local budgets. The quantitative form of interest may be connected with the issues of healthcare, macroeconomic policy, resource potential, the provision of the conjuncture balance in different commodity markets. The subjective-territorial direction of interest has two aspects of assessment of the consumer decisions regarding the following choice of subjects of goods supply: resident-non-resident and territorial choices. The authors propose to identify the first aspect as the priority one, for it is associated with the issues of competitiveness of the national economy, as well as its security. |
Keywords: | Consumer, Private household, Demand, Government, Society, Consumer behavior, Management, Business, Interest, Market |
File of the article: | EV20191_096-104.pdf |
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