Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №1 (65)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Specifics of controlling in the management system of economic security formation at an enterprise
Author:Kopcha Yu. Yu., National Aviation University
Annotation:The approaches to the nature of controlling as a component of the management concept are generalized in terms of information support, coordination tool, and time management, as an elementof economic security, as well as the functioning of the enterprise while maintaining competitive positions. The ability to adjust budgets and schedules allows implementing an important stage with frequently changing values of indicators and volumes of information as the basis for the corresponding adjustment of already made management decisions. It is determined that the implementation of controlling functions in the formation of the economic security potential should be based on a previously developed classification of threats and dangers, as well as the rationale for alternative solutions to level them. It is proved that the implementation of such functions as information analysis, monitoring, advisory, and coordination should provide control over the process of using resources that turn into costs and create a risk of exceeding the cash budget, as well as over the use of opportunities to prevent dangers and crisis phenomena. 
Keywords:Controlling, Enterprise management controlling functions, Subsystem, Economic security potential, Strategic controlling, Tactical controlling, Risks, Crisis
File of the article:EV20191_139-148.pdf
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