Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №1 (65)
Section:Environmental management
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Determinants of improving the efficiency of green investment management
Author:Pimonenko T. V., Sumy State University
Annotation:The paper deals with the analysis of the preconditions for the development of the green investment market. It has been identified that the implementation of sustainable development goals, the current political conflicts, the lack of financial resources result in the development of alternative ways to attract investments for implementation of the green growth strategy both at the national and the corporate levels. It has been proved that developing of green investment market was limited bythe following factors: issues incoherent state regulation; the absence of generally accepted theoretical and methodological foundations of the green investments’ theory; stereotyped thinking about the non-profit green investment, etc. In this regard, it is determined that solving the above issues and activating the green investments market could be realized through the collaborations between the government and business sectors. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the key components of increasing the efficiency of green investment management both at the national and corporate levels. It is proved that increasing the efficiency of green investments management at the company level was possible due to the formation of the effective system of marketing instruments for promoting the company’s green brand. The findings proved that activation of the green investment market was not possible without an effective mechanism of state support for green investors. Thus, on the basis of findings (for EU countries), the author identified that the increase of green investment leads to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (3%), to an increase in the share of renewable energy in total energy consumption (6%), to GDP growth (6%). In this regard, it was necessary to adapt the EU experience on developing a system of incentive instruments for attracting green investments. In addition, the author highlighted that it was necessary to include the questions for activation of the green investment market in the current country’s policy and strategies. 
Keywords:Investment, Sustainable development, Green growth, Stakeholders
File of the article:EV20191_158-165.pdf
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