Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №3 (67)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Economic security of the state as a basic complex category of ecosestate
Author:Baron I. G., State Research Institute of Informatization and Modeling of Economics
Annotation:The article shows the lack of a unified approach to the interpretation of the economic security of the state as a logical consequence of the capacity and versatility of this concept. The necessity to clarify the essence of the notion of economic security of the state by distinguishing its key features as the basic complex category of ecosestate is substantiated. Using the basic operation of set theory such as multiple set-up operation, the approaches to understanding the essence of the concept of «economic security of the state» are systematized and the key characteristics of this concept are given. Namely, these characteristics are the importance to take into account the socio-political context, the conditional hierarchy of key characteristics and the dynamic nature of ensuring the economic security of the state. Also it is important to consider the economic security as a determining component in the structure of national security of the state and the process of ensuring the economic security of the state as an organizational and managerial mechanism. Finally, the recognition of the priority of certain characteristics of the economic security of the state must be respected, namely the effectiveness of the system of protection of national interests and the ability of the economic system to identify, minimize and / or eliminate internal and external threats. Based on generalization of key characteristics of economic security of the state, it is proposed to define it as a complex category, which characterizes the ability of the national economic system to neutralize the negative impact of various threats in order to protect national economic interests and ensure the economic sovereignty of the state. In this case, the process of ensuring economic security can be defined as a complex of organizational, managerial and economic measures implemented by the state in order to protect national economic interests and ensure the economic sovereignty. Appropriate measures should be considered as key elements of the organizational and managerial mechanism for ensuring the economic security of the state, and its development should be a priority scientific and practical task in the field of economic security of Ukraine. 
Keywords:Economic security of the state, Ecosystem, Aspect of interpretation, Set-theory operation of unification, National economic interests, Economic threats, Organizational-governing mechanism, Economic sovereignty, Complex category, Systematization
File of the article:EV20193_016-024.pdf
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