Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №3 (67)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Strategic priorities of innovative development of health resort industry in Ukraine
Author:Moroz S. R., Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture
Annotation:The article discusses the innovative development of the spa industry as one of the most important factors for improving the competitiveness of economic activity. The opinions of scientists about the nature of the concept of “innovation” are investigated and analyzed. It is determined that innovation is an important objective for the development of the health resort industry. The directions of development of innovative activity at the enterprises of the health resort complex are considered. It is determined that introduction of innovations will create significant competitive advantages for subjects health resort activities. The activation and introduction of innovations at the enterprises has a special value not just for establishments of health resort economy, but also for the economy as a whole. The development of the health resort industry depends on the effective introduction of innovations. The comparative analysis of the current state of the spa industry of the regions of the regions of Ukraine in 2014–2017 has been carried out. It is revealed that the greatest trends of development are observed in the coastal and mountain regions, which are characterized by the availability of natural tourist and recreational potential. On the whole, positive dynamics in the development of the health resort industry of Ukraine were revealed. The features of innovations in the service industry and strategic directions of development of health resort establishments are determined. The directions of innovative development for the enterprises of the spa industry are offered. The basic factors, principles, directions and bases of development of the health resort industry are also considered. The main priorities of the development of the health resort industry are determined. 
Keywords:Innovations, Innovative development, Strategic priorities, Spa industry, Competitive benefits, Competitiveness, Innovative activity, Market economy, Strategic management, Development index of health resort industry
File of the article:EV20193_052-057.pdf
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