Issue: | 2019 №3 (67) |
Section: | Economic theory |
UDK: | 338.1 : 334.012 |
DOI: | |
Article language: | Ukrainian |
Pages: | 58-66 |
Title: | Main areas of improvement of intellectual property market in Ukraine |
Author: | Mastylo A. Ya., National Academy of Management |
Annotation: | This article defines the role of the intellectual property market in the successful development of the country's economy. The opinions of scientists about the necessity of improvement the innovation market have been studied. Also, this article explores the current state of the intellectual property market by analyzing its components, namely: the market for inventions, utility models, industrial designs and signs for goods and services, defines the structure of participants in this market, outlines the main problems that accompany the functioning of the modern innovation market and the factors that caused them. The scientific article analyzes the national strategy for the development of intellectual property in Ukraine until 2020, identifies its shortcomings and contradictions, as well as recommendations for their elimination. On the basis of the conducted research, the directions of improvement of the intellectual property market were proposed, like developing effective mechanisms for elimination of piracy in Ukraine and taking into account the experience of developed countries. In addition, the article proposes to focus efforts on the development of insurance of risks related to the functioning of the intellectual property market. The article also reveals the concept of commercialization, as well as the directions of its positive impact on the innovation sphere. At the same time, attention is drawn to the shortcomings in the field of documentation and accounting of activities related to intellectual property. As a result of the research, the scientific article analyzes the measures taken by the state to improve the conditions of functioning of the intellectual property market, outlines the shortcomings that need to be eliminated and substantiates the main directions of improvement of the domestic intellectual property market. |
Keywords: | National Academy of Management, Intellectual property, market, patents, innovations, inventions, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks for goods and services, national economy |
File of the article: | EV20193_058-066.pdf |
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