Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №3 (67)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Institutional mechanism of innovative development of Ukraine in the context of global challenges
Author:Solianyk L. G., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:The article is devoted to the coverage of the results of a study on the establishment of trends in changes in the main macroeconomic parameters of economic development of Ukraine in the context of global trends. Attention is focused on Ukraine’s gradual loss of its place in the structure of international technological exchange as a result of the intensification of its agricultural processes and the widening gap with high-tech countries that are trying to conquer the world market by means of active state support for the research sector. However, the national economy does not create demand for research results, and the existing system for managing scientific, technical and innovative activities does not meet the modern challenges and approaches of the EU. The subject of this article is the development of an institutional mechanism for the innovative development of Ukraine in the face of global challenges. The main priorities for creating an innovative system of Ukraine in the context of globalization are identified. As a result of modeling, the multiple regression equation is obtained, it establishes the relationship between thelevel of innovative costs and the main sources of their financing, which will increase the efficiency of foreign direct investment and state financing of innovative activities in Ukraine. It was established that, based on the strategic interaction of the elements of the European model, the institutional mechanism of innovative development of Ukraine should include four basic components that will ensure close interaction between the institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (other scientific organizations), higher educational institutions, state institutions and enterprises representing various sectors of the economy. For the effective functioning of the institutional mechanism of open innovation, it is necessary to create an institutional platform for the interaction of all components of the mechanism based on the priority of strategic guidelines and key principles of public administration for the development of science, the state research infrastructure, certification system for scientific and national academies of sciences, financial support for science by executive authorities. The implementation of the proposed institutional instruments for innovative development will contribute to the formation in Ukraine of an effective national innovation system and the introduction of effective mechanisms to stimulate innovation and the culture of society. 
Keywords:Innovation infrastructure, Entrepreneurial university, Mechanisms of publicprivate partnerships
File of the article:EV20193_078-089.pdf
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