Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №3 (67)
UDK:681.518.2: 336.76: 368.914
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Information supply and methodological approaches to analysis of non-state pension funds
Authors:Prykhodchenko O. Y., National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine,
Prykhodchenko S. D., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:The article provides an analysis of the performance of the system of non-governmental pension funds (NPFs) of Ukraine from 2006 to 2018. The purpose is to develop the theoretical foundations of information support and a comprehensive system of indicators to support customers’ decisions in the non-state pension system. The following methods were used: systemic - to identify factors that influence the choice of a non-governmental pension entity, method of financial calculations to evaluate the activity of NPFs, method of cluster analysis - to structure the market of non-state pension funds, method of additive convolution of criteria for calculating the integral index of assessment, a rating method for assessing the accessibility and openness of information and the integrated NPF valuation index. The paper presents the developed system of quantitative and qualitative indicators of NPF activity, by means of which 58 NPFs of Ukraine were analyzed on 31.12.2018. The system of qualitative indicators of estimation of openness and accessibility of information on NPF has been improved. An integral indicator is proposed and calculated that includes quantitative and qualitative parameters, namely the indicator of the net asset value of a retirement asset, the coefficient of real income over the last three years, the coefficient of the cost of servicing NPFs and the openness and accessibility of NPF information. Five main clusters of NPFs of Ukraine were identified according to the indicators of the net asset value of the NPFs, the number of participants, the net asset value of the pension assets, the average real income ratio over the last three years. Each of the clusters has its own peculiarities regarding the impact on the private pension system, population coverage and performance. Disparities in the development of the NPF system have been identified. Methodological bases for informational support of NPF analysis are developed. The proposed database, the information accumulated in it, the methodological recommendations for the analysis should help those who are planning to choose an NPF or participate in an NPF with a lack of openness and accessibility of information. 
Keywords:Cumulative non-state pension fund, Net assets, Net worth of unit contribution, Nominal and real income ratios, NPF service cost ratio, Accessibility and openness of information, Cluster analysis
File of the article:EV20193_099-109.pdf
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