Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №3 (67)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Croudfunding as a strategic instrument of institutional modernization of financial security of enterprise innovation management process
Author:Koleshchuk O. Ya., Lviv Polytechnic National University
Annotation:At the present stage of social and economic development of Ukraine, there is a radical change in the economic system, where the increase in the competitiveness of domestic enterprises is based on innovative modernization of technical, technological and intellectual potential and the most important strategic tasks. Achievement of the strategic goals by domestic enterprises requires the search for effective concepts of strategic management of enterprise innovativeness in the face constant changes turning information resources and intellectual potential into decisive production factors. It is determined that at present, forecasting is increasingly included in almost all areas of the enterprise’s development and is the basis for planning its activities. The article discusses various forecasting methods. An economic and technological approach to predicting the level of innovative reflection at an enterprise is proposed. It is determined that the practical application of one or another forecasting method is determined by such factors as the object forecasting, its accuracy, availability of initial information, forecaster’s qualification, etc. The results of forecasting the level of integral indicator of innovative reflection at the machine-building enterprises are presented, they indicate a decrease in these indicators, which will negatively affect the further development of enterprises. It was revealed that machine-building enterprises, when developing strategies, need to look for means, tools, methods, etc. to improve the process innovation management. The article determines that it is necessary to use all the alternative opportunities to attract additional investment, one of which is crowdfunding as a strategic tool for institutional modernization financial support for the enterprise innovation management process. Crowdfunding can be the impetus for the development of the innovativeness of enterprises, as well as increase in their financing level. 
Keywords:Innovative development, Strategic innovation management of an enterprise, Innovation efficiency, Strategy, Forecasting
File of the article:EV20193_115-125.pdf
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