Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №3 (67)
Section:Environmental management
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Organizational principles of public administration policy of sustainable development of the industrial and urbanized systems
Author:Dudnyk A. V., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:The article deals with the organizational and legal aspects of coordinating tasks of the national level by central executive bodies authorized to carry out relevant functions in the field of environmental security and achieve the goals of sustainable development across the country. It is shown that subnational level is realized at the level of oblasts and regions (by oblast and regional administrations in cooperation with regional and local councils), while at the local level, this should be performed by the executive bodies of the united territorial communities. However, the success of such measures in this case will depend to a large extent on the diversification of the regional economic system, the level of economic and social development of local communities, the rule of law and civic activity, and the position of local residents. Taking into account the high level of urbanization of the territory of Ukraine (69% of the population resides in cities), as well as the domination in the national economy of resourceintensive industries, which are again concentrated in urban settlements, it is the urbanized systems that should be given priority in the development and implementation of state policy aimed at optimizing the use of natural resources and conserve the environment. In the context of the implementation of UN Sustainable Development Goals and the provisions of the Association of Ukraine with the European Union Government, policy and activities of local self-government bodies should be aimed at the gradual abandonment of hazardous chemicals in the life cycle of products, the greening of production process management systems, the rational use of natural resources in terms of payment, processing and utilization of industrial waste human. 
Keywords:Urban system, Sustainable development, Urban agglomeration, Environmental security, Environmental economics
File of the article:EV20193_197-206.pdf
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