Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №4 (68)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Institutional provision of the innovation development on the basis of «the state – higher education institutions– industry» relationship
Author:Koleschuk O. Ya., Lviv Polytechnic National University
Annotation:The article determines that at present the main vector in the development of education is the cooperation of higher education institutions with enterprises and the state. The «quality education» concept is not fixed by law, and in the variety of existing interpretations of this concept its social orientation is practically absent. The modern stage of development presents higher requirements for higher educational institutions graduates. For employers, only formal indicators, such as the presence higher education and specialization, are already insufficient. Modern society and production requires highly qualified specialists with a creative approach to work, intellectual, creative and innovative thinking, a rich knowledge resource, practical work skills and the ability to work in a team. It is substantiated that today, developed countries are moving to the knowledge economy, when the spread new knowledge and technologies in national innovation systems becomes a key factor in the competitiveness of the state, which makes it relevant to consider new concepts for the effective interaction of institutions the national innovation system. The article defines the process forming the effectiveness of interaction between higher educational institutions, industry and the state. The foundations of a new concept of interaction between higher educational institutions, industry and the state are that, on the one hand, higher education institutions, that are responsible for creating new knowledge, begin to dominate the innovation system, and on the other hand, the network nature the interaction of participants in the innovation process is important within the framework of «strategic innovation networks», where the intersection of three relationships (intra-company intra-state and intra-university) takes place, as well as creation of hybrid institutional forms that reduce the uncertainty of environment. Factors are identified that compensate for the imbalances in the interaction between higher education institutions, industry and the state, the form of cooperation of higher educational institutions, industry and the state, and the main functions of higher education institutions in the knowledge economy. The article determines that the rapid development high-tech industries, shortening the recovery cycles of industrial equipment and retraining, accelerating the implementation innovative scientific developments in mass production - all of the above puts forward new requirements for science, education and industry: they can no longer effectively develop and adapt to changes in isolation, independently from each other. 
Keywords:Innovation, Higher education institutions, State, Industry, Development, Competitiveness
File of the article:EV20194_056-063.pdf
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