Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №4 (68)
Section:Economic theory
UDK:330.15: 338.012
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Theoretical principles of the mining industry research
Authors:Yatsykovskyy B. I., State Committee of Ukraine on Fossil Fuels,
Holubka V. M., National Academy of Administration
Annotation:The article systematizes the theoretical directions of the mining industry, in particular the theory of factors of production (which substantiates the importance of land and subsoil for the socioeconomic development as a basic resource of the mining industry); the theory of environmentallyfriendly and sustainable development (which substantiates the limiting factors of the activities of mining enterprises focusing on environmental and social goals); theory of economic growth (which substantiates the importance of the mining industry for progressive changes in the economy which acquire quantitative and qualitative dimensions); the theory of economic structure (which substantiates approaches to structuring the economy with the modeling of the type and priority of mining industry); theories of stages of society development (which substantiates the predominance of certain industries with certain weight of mining industry); theory of competition, theory of competitive advantage, theory of competitiveness (which substantiates the necessity of qualitative development of mining and entrepreneurship in the light of the global challenges of technology and greening). The place of such factor as the land and its subsoil is determined according to the theories of production factors, and also in the system of supply factors according to the theory of economic growth. The role of the mining industry in the structure of the economy is substantiated, particularly according to the theory of five sectors of the economy. It is stated that mining, being a branch of industry, forms the primary sector of economy focused on the use of mineral resources, however, this does not reject the possibility of its technologicalization and greening according to the specifics of “higher” sectors of the economy. The specific nature of the resource economy model and the security conditions for its development are revealed, which is environmentalization with the characteristics of a green economy, the formation of a closed-loop economy, continuous orientation to an innovative model of economic development rather than the “resource curse” effect. The possibilities of technological development of mining industry in conditions of transition to the next technological order are determined. 
Keywords:Mining industry, Production factors, Land, Subsoil, Resource economy, Environmentally-friendly and sustainable development, Innovation potential of the mining industry
File of the article:EV20194_064-072.pdf
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