Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №4 (68)
UDK:656:004.738.5] (477)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Management of communications in the internet environment to promote logistics business
Authors:Kolosok V. M., State Higher Educational Institution «Priazovskyi State Technical University»,
Lazarevskaya Yu. A., State Higher Educational Institution «Donetsk National Technical University»
Annotation:The article considers the issue of modern development of the Internet as the most popular medium for active communication of people united in social groups by certain criteria. The widespread development of the Internet and technology has given rise to new forms of communication, which are becoming increasingly popular in the modern world. That is why now there is an active search for new sources of increasing the efficiency of companies using the Internet, and the logistics business needs to introduce new communication tools to ensure effective interaction with customers and partners of the company. The analysis of the studies showed that communication on the Internet is considered as a marketing tool, but the possibilities of its influence on the logistics business have not been identified. The Internet today provides the logistics business with many tools for communicating with customers, including websites, social networks, instant messengers, chat bots and applications for mobile devices. The article analyzes the communication tools in the Internet environment, which are the most popular among the postal logistics companies of Ukraine. Each of the communication tools with customers is considered separately. Much attention is paid to the consideration of social networks as a modern tool for communication in the Internet environment. The article analyzes the basic definitions of social networks, identifies the reasons for their popularity for promoting the logistics business. It also found strategies for promoting companies in social networks. The authors also reviewed popular instant messengers and features of communication with their help. Attention is paid to the work of chat bots and applications for mobile devices. After identifying the most common tools for communicating with customers on the Internet, the analysis of the functional capabilities for the operation of postal logistics operators is carried out. Based on the analysis, a conclusion is presented for each communication tool. Based on the above material, the requirements for employee involved in promoting the company using various Internet tools are identified. It also defines methods for evaluating the effectiveness of communications on the Internet, which are represented by the proposed tools. 
Keywords:Logistics business, Internet, Communications, Communication process, Communication efficiency, Social networks, Chat bots, Instant messengers, Mobile applications
File of the article:EV20194_155-163.pdf
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