Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2019 №4 (68)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Mentoring implementation concept in the management system of personnel development of railway transport enterprises
Author:Obruch H. V., Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport
Annotation:The article determines that digitalization has caused significant transformations in the field of personnel management, accompanied by changes in approaches and tools for staff development and adaptation. It is established that railway transport enterprises are currently experiencing a period of personnel crisis due to the low level of social security and poor working conditions, the formal nature of the training system and the lack of transparency of the personnel rotation process. On this basis, the expediency of changing the approach to personnel development management is justified, which introduces such a modern tool for training, adaptation and support of employees as mentoring. The author analyzes approaches to defining the content and classification of mentoring types, which allowed forming the author's vision of this term as a progressive tool for the employee's development, which involves mastering complex professional competencies, as well as ensuring his personal growth through counseling, providing emotional support, as well as moral and value education of the employee. The classification of mentoring types for railway transport enterprises has been expanded in the context of forming an intellectual basis for ensuring their digital transformation by adding the following features: 1) periodicity of implementation: single, situational, system; 2) scope of implementation: management, production, educational; 3) mechanism of attraction: external, internal; 4) hierarchical level of forming tools: corporate (JSC «Ukrzaliznytsia»), tactical (regional branches of JSC «Ukrzaliznytsia»), operational (production divisions of regional branches of JSC «Ukrzaliznytsia», working places); 5) implementation result: progressive, regressive; 6) implementation form: face-to-face, remote. The authors formed the concept of embedding mentoring in the control system of the personnel development of the enterprises of railway transport, which sets the stages of embedding mentoring in the rail industry, as well as identifies features, technologies, methods, and results of its implementation in the context of forming high-quality intellectual and human resources capacity to provide digital transformations in the industry. 
Keywords:Mentoring, Classification of mentoring types, Concept, Railway transport enterprises, Personnel management, Adaptation, Digital competencies, Mentoring, Counseling, Emotional support and moral and value education, Technologies, Methods
File of the article:EV20194_177-184.pdf
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