Issue: | 2020 №1 (69) |
Section: | Economic theory |
UDK: | 336.1:658.71 |
DOI: | |
Article language: | Ukrainian |
Pages: | 30-37 |
Title: | Specifics of e-procurement market development in ukraine |
Authors: | Nuriakhmetov Ye. I., University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Sliusareva L. V., University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine |
Annotation: | Methods. Methodological basis of the study is as follows: the methods of statistics – in determining the share of public procurement in GDP; structural analysis – in identifying the sectors of cooperation in electronic procurement; analysis – when identifying the advantages and disadvantages of using electronic trading platforms for major market players. Results.The article discusses the processes of reforming the government procurement system in Ukraine and the features of its development. There is analyzed and disclosed the content and essence of the concept of «e-procurements» and considered the main characteristics of the national eprocurement system Prozorro. The basic tool for procurement is determined, and the basic procedures established by the domestic legislation for the conduct of public procurement are analyzed. Also, the effectiveness of implemented mechanisms for the implementation of procurement procedures, including compliance with legislative requirements, was investigated, and problematic issues of functioning of the procurement system influencing the degree of efficiency and transparency of the procurement process were identified. In order to study foreign experience, specifics of procurement in the EU and the USA are considered. This research has been based on the study of the capacity of the market. It has been found that in these states there are their own traditions concerning the functioning of the government procurement field, which allows the effective use of public funds. Also, the dynamics of the volume of state e-procurements in Ukraine in recent years has been analyzed. Novelty. Theoretical and practical principles of the functioning of the government procurement are developed. Also, it has been revealed that the process of state e-procurements has become more transparent and accessible to the user. The necessity of continuing the reform of this sphere of public relations with the aim of increasing the efficiency of the use of state funds, forming a competitive business environment in Ukraine and reducing corruption risks. Practical value. Effective use of electronic procurement can significantly optimize costs: financial, time, labor. The advantages of e-procurement are the reduction of time spent on conducting, analyzing and controlling purchases, reducing the cash costs of making purchases through the electronic system. The cost savings are due to the full transparency of trading and purchasing activities, which allows to avoid financial fraud and prevent price collusion. |
Keywords: | Procurement, Government procurement, E-procurement, E-procurement system, Customer, Supplier, Threshold procurement, Above threshold procurement, State e-procurement system ProZorro |
File of the article: | EV20201_030-037.pdf |
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