Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №1 (69)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Problem of moral-ethical determinants of distributive justice: socioeconomic consequences
Authors:Diachenko N. I., Donetsk National Technical University,
Cherkavska T. M., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The analysis method made it possible to analyze the moral and ethical determinants of distributive justice, as well as the expected socio-economic consequences and the impact of such conditioning. It was revealed that distributive justice reflects the level of organization and stability of society, has a systemic nature and depends on many factors. The principle of historicism, used in the analysis of the problem, provided an opportunity to trace the evolution of the phenomenon of distributive justice within the framework of moral and ethical concepts. Results. It has been established that the influence of distributive justice on the state and spiritual development of society increases and becomes more complicated with the development of production. Theoretical studios of modern researchers, both foreign and Ukrainian, show that, from the standpoint of the moral and ethical determinants, violations of the distribution system lead to manifestations of anomie (lack of priority of the law), aggression, and destruction in society. It is revealed that distributive justice as a socio-cultural and socio-economic phenomenon is natural in a capitalist economy, as is the growth of inequality - both in the distribution system of public goods and in other areas of social life. This situation is perceived positively provided that institutional and legal instruments and regulatory equality are strengthened. Novelty. The analysis provided an opportunity to connect the behavioral activity and initiative of a person with influences of spiritual and ideological nature and traditions that are constantly rooted in society and manifest themselves in the long term. In conditions of increasing pressure on the basic spiritual needs of the individual, individualism in various forms intensifies - from selfishness to escapism. Practical value. It is revealed that the positive life program of an individual largely depends on the existing system of distribution of public goods in society. The biggest loss as a result of violations of distributive justice in Ukraine is an anomie and a loss of confidence in government institutions. The article provides recommendations on socio-cultural and socio-economic changes in society: improving the quality of the formation of civil society, forming ideological platforms for economic transformation, narrowing the gap between the strata of society in terms of access to the distribution of material and spiritual goods, and increasing the attention of public institutions to moral ethical component of their activities. 
Keywords:Distributive justice, Determinant, Behavioral activity, Anomie, Escapism, Life choice, Social needs, Moral and ethical standards
File of the article:EV20201_038-045.pdf
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