Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №1 (69)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Formation of scenarios for managing structural transformations of innovative potential of industrial energy enterprises
Authors:Prokhorova V. V., Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy,
Protsenko A. V., Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained through the use of methods: cognitive modeling – to monitor situations in the form of causal relationships between factors affecting the enterprise; scenario modeling – to determine the effect of the parameters of simultaneous variation of the development of industrial energy enterprises due to the probability of evaluation of each of the management scenarios. Results. The article determines that the current stage of economic development of our country requires the formation of an effective systematic basis for ensuring the continuous cost-effective functioning of industrial energy enterprises, which requires a sustainable increase in the competitiveness of their products and investments for optimal use of innovation potential, flexible response to structural transformations in the internal transformation environment. The fulfillment of these tasks is possible thanks to the systematic implementation of innovative activities. It is shown that today the share of industrial energy companies that manage structural transformations and can be attributed to innovative ones remains low. With the help of the proposed algorithm of methodical approach to formation of scenarios of management of structural transformations of innovative potential of industrial energy companies, there is singled out the complex of measures which should be carried out by industrial energy enterprises to ensure increase of competitiveness of production on the basis of innovative development. Novelty. Scenarios for managing the structural transformations of the innovative potential of industrial energy enterprises have been developed, which makes it possible to predict changes in the resultant factors depending on the change of input parameters based on best-case and worst-case development scenarios. Practical value. For the implementation of effective financial and economic activity of industrial energy enterprises, it is constantly necessary to develop and implement innovations, improving the system of managing innovative potential, and an effective system of managing structural transformations of innovative potential can become an effective tool in modern competitive struggle and a source of development. of containers. Development scenarios for improving the efficiency of innovation potential should be implemented not only at the enterprise level but also at the state level, providing favorable investment conditions, improving innovation, economic and tax policies, as well as improvement of law enforcement in the country. 
Keywords:Formation, Structural transformations, Innovation potential, Management scenarios, Modeling, Enterprise
File of the article:EV20201_066-076.pdf
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