Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №1 (69)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Scenario approach to managing the information and communication potential of the enterprise in the supply chain
Authors:Naboka R. M., Associate Professor, Kherson National Technical University,
Shuklina V. V., Associate Professor, Kherson National Technical University
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained through the use of methods: dialectical cognition, systems analysis – in the formulation of the problem, as well as detailing of the object; abstractions - in determining the nature of the categories «scenario», «supply chain», the method of scripts; grouping – in establishing the content and stages of applying the scenario approach; classification, systems approach and comparative approach – in substantiating the advantages and problems of applying the scenario management of information and communication potential, for the study of elements and identification of factors of influence; formalization – when constructing the scheme of the process and stages of application. Results. The article provides a thorough analysis and clarifies the possibilities of applying the scenario approach in managing the information and communication potential of an enterprise, taking into account the impact of the external environment. The advantages and differences of scenario approach from traditional approach of managerial decision making are established; basic scenarios of response to changes in the environment in the process of managing the information and communication potential of the enterprise are developed. Conceptual bases of scenario formation of strategy of management of information and communication potential of the enterprise are grounded, based on determination of directions of harmonization of development and means of their realization in unpredictable environment; the socio-economic prerequisites are revealed for the application of strategies for the development of information and communication potential of an enterprise. The problematic aspects of the scenario approach are identified. Novelty. There has been formed the scenario approach to the substantiation of the decisions on the implementation of strategies for managing the information and communication potential of an enterprise with regard to the supply chain. Its difference from the existing ones is based on detailing the mechanism of options of agreed strategies for developing the potential of the enterprise, as well as on the possibility to implement each scenario based on multivariate solutions. Practical value. There is substantiated the typification of information and communication potential based on the variants of coordination of the level of development of the potential of attraction and the potential of reproduction of information and communication resources, which resulted in the guidelines for the application of the scenario approach to the substantiation of the decisions on the implementation of information and communication potential management strategies at the enterprises of the Kherson region, taking into account the supply chain. It is recommended to find out, as soon as possible, which scenario, of all those developed, is closest to the realities of existence of the enterprise by characteristic indicators. 
Keywords:Management of information and communication potential, Scenario, Scenario approach, Strategy, Development, Coherence, Non-additivity, Synergies, Potential harmonization, Situation, Supply chain, Enterprise
File of the article:EV20201_125-136.pdf
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