Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №1 (69)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Structural analysis of gas distribution as a part of gas price for consumers
Author:Stoliar O. O., Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical Oil and Gas University
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained through the use of structural analysis techniques. This method of studying the static characteristics of a hierarchically ordered system by allocating it subsystems and elements of different levels allows one to determine the relationships and links between them. The object of structural analysis research in this case is the gas distribution tariff for gas distribution companies as a variant of an orderly system, the structure of which will be revealed in the process of decomposition of the system, which allow to evaluate comprehensively the properties of the system as a whole. Results. This tariff is analyzed as a component of the price of gas for the end consumer, which made it possible to reveal its role in the processes of specialization and complex formation of the industry, also its own component structure of such tariff is analyzed, which reflected the totality of its functional components. A structural analysis is carried out on the example of the project tariff for natural gas distribution services of PJSC «Ivano-Frankivskgas», each component of the planned tariff revenue is examined in detail, and structural relationships of individual components are highlighted. It has been determined that the gas distribution companies are legislated in terms of self-sufficiency against the background of considerable regulation by the state bodies in matters of tariff formation. This causes the accumulation of under-received tariff revenue over the years, provokes the inability to execute the development plan due to lack of funds. On the other hand, considering all the components of the planned tariff in the enterprise under study, the complexity and hierarchy of the relationships that operate in the industry are revealed. Novelty. During the development of theoretical and methodological aspects, key elements of the gas distribution system were identified for the correct determination as components, and cause and effect relationships during the tariff setting process for the study of the components of the gas distribution tariff by gas distribution companies and the study of the place of such tariff in the structure of the gas price for consumers in order to further improve the mechanism of tariff formation for the services of such companies. Practical value. The results of the structural analysis of the gas distribution tariff as a part of the gas price for consumers are aimed at studying the tariff formation in the energy market, especially in the context of relations between the relevant elements of the gas distribution system and end consumers in the future, taking into account the experience of different countries and regions and the problems of state-regulatory process. 
Keywords:Natural gas distribution tariff, Gas distribution companies, Structural analysis, Planned tariff revenue, Planned production costs, Gas price, Services of gas distribution companies
File of the article:EV20201_164-176.pdf
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