Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №2 (70)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:English
Title:Innovative revival of the mining and metallurgical complex of Ukraine as the imperative of national competition policy
Authors:Bilotserkivets V. V., National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine,
Zavhorodnia O. O., National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine,
Alsufieva O. O., National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained with the following methods: analysis and synthesis in the identifying main actual problems of the Ukrainian mining and metallurgical complex (MMC) and in the studying the reasons for the gradual loss of its competitive advantages; structural analysis for research of the technological interactions of metallurgical and mining components of the MMC, statistical analysis, economic and mathematical modelling methods were applied in exploring the leading trends in the development of the national MMC and dynamics of its positions in global markets of ore metals and metal products. Results. The main reasons for the negative tendencies in Ukrainian MMC development, for concomitant weakening of its international competitive advantages and the displacement of domestic exporters from the most dynamic high-tech segments of the world metal products market are identified and substantiated. It is empirically proven that despite the crisis situation, MMC is still the leading «driver» of the national industry and plays a crucial role in filling the income of the trade balance of Ukraine. The conceptual bases of the model of active state intervention in the processes of functioning and development of Ukrainian MMC are developed. Its strategic and tactical tasks, forms and instruments of implementation are discovered. The prerequisites for innovative renewal and technological modernization of MMC enterprises in the conditions of global competition are disclosed, in particular the mechanisms of their direct investment and budgetary state support are proposed. Taking into account the technological interactions (producer and consumer) of MMC constituents, the increase in domestic demand for metallurgical products a priori will become a powerful catalyst for the mining industry and will slow down inefficient and threatening for the future the export of depleting natural resources. Novelty. There are proposed the measures aimed at revitalizing innovation and investment activity in the Ukrainian MMC with a focus on stimulation domestic demand for metal products within the framework of import-substitution policy. Recommendations were developed with bearing in mind the specifics of non-tariff neoprotectionism and the peculiarities of technological interactions between mining and metallurgical MMC’s components. Practical value. The obtained results will contribute to the improvement of the state industrial policy aimed at the development of Ukrainian mining and metallurgical complex, innovative strengthening of its international competitive advantages and overcoming the «resource curse» of the commodity economy. 
Keywords:Mining and metallurgical complex, World market, Global competition, Competitive advantages, Competition policy, Development strategy, Export, Innovation, Import-substitution, Protectionism
File of the article:EV20202_009-020.pdf
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