Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №2 (70)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Main guidelines for the intellectual business development
Author:Slastyanikova A. I., Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy
Annotation:Methods. Generalization and systems analysis provided an opportunity to prove that in modern conditions, intellectual business plays a significant role in the development of society, contributing to the creation of artificial intelligence, the rapid development of scientific and technological progress. The development of the human intellectual potential allows us to develop new technologies and conduct new scientific research that not only increases the standard of living, but also positively affects the intellectual development of society as a whole. Results. The article analyzes the pace of development of the intellectual component, which is rather high thanks to information flows. It is shown that objective solutions to problems arising in the process of intellectual development lie in the field of human analytical thinking. The current state of this sphere is characterized by grandiose information flows and outstanding achievements in all industries. However, the process of processing information and choosing an effective solution is significantly lower than the opportunities that open up. This is due to the fact that the analytical part of thinking, like many other components of intelligence, developed on the principle of “from what has been achieved”. That is, the adjustment of the directions of development of thinking occurred during the accumulation of critical amount of knowledge that is minimally necessary for the transition to the corresponding intellectual level. Novelty. It has been determined that investments in human capital of an enterprise reflect the relationship between participants in the investment process regarding the movement of resources invested in the human capital of the enterprise from the moment these resources are mobilized until they are reimbursed. The guidelines for the development of intellectual entrepreneurship are highlighted; its main features are outlined and functional groups of intellectual services are defined. Practical value. The results of the study will be useful for entrepreneurial structures that, in the conditions of innovative economy, seek to achieve an increase in the pace of innovative development and on this basis obtain a positive socio-economic effect in the current and future periods. 
Keywords:Intellectual entrepreneurship, Development guidelines, Resources, Information flows, Investment in human capital
File of the article:EV20202_037-043.pdf
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