Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №2 (70)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Public-private partnership as an element of the transport infrastructure development mechanism in Ukraine
Authors:Poliakova O. M., Ukrainian state University of railway transport,
Lipska T. I., Ukrainian state University of railway transport,
Kuchinska O. M., Ukrainian state University of railway transport
Annotation:Methods. The results were obtained through the use of methods: a systems approach to the development of public-private partnerships; logical generalization – in determining the category of «public-private partnership»; structural-functional and comparative analysis – in the analysis of trends, factors and models of public-private partnership. Results. The role of public-private partnership in the development of transport infrastructure is determined. It is emphasized that the responsibility of the state for the development of infrastructure sectors with limited financial opportunities determines the need to combine resources and actions of the state and the private sector in various forms of public-private partnership. The interpretation of public-private partnership, its features, and areas of implementation in Ukraine are given. The European experience of public-private partnership development in the transport industry is analyzed. Features of formation and development of public-private partnership in Ukraine are considered. It is noted that in Ukraine, the effectiveness of public-private partnerships is associated with the functioning of informal institutions. Models of public-private partnership are considered. Novelty. The expediency of applying the institutional approach to the study of partnership relations between the public and private sectors in the implementation of infrastructure projects in the field of transport is substantiated. Practical value. It is indicated that attracting private funds will require a proportional increase in public funding, a new approach to the risk management system, taking into account national customs, traditions and features of the economic and organizational culture of business partners. 
Keywords:Public-private partnership, Public partnership, Transport infrastructure, Public sector, Business partners, Investment, Interaction model, Concession, Financing, Efficiency
File of the article:EV20202_044-052.pdf
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