Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №2 (70)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Intensification of material and technical support formation of an enterprise in the conditions of neoindustrial modernization
Authors:Arefieva O. V., National Aviation University,
Vovk O. M., National Aviation University,
Posypaiko Ye. A., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. The methodological basis of the study is the scientific works by international and domestic scientists, statistical information, practical aspects of globalization development and renewal of enterprise resources. Using the methods of retrospective analysis and historical-logical generalization, the authors investigated the basic theories of neo-industrial development of modern economic systems and highlighted the key aims, conditions for the implementation of modernization changes in enterprises. Analysis, synthesis and dialectics as research methods were used to describe the concept of material and technical support and its elements. The use of statistical comparison methods made it possible to identify trends and factors in the formation of material and technical support in modern conditions, and the tools for graphical presentation of the results made it possible to build a triad of elemental composition and identify areas of intensification of the formation of material and technical support of the enterprise in the context of neo-industrial modernization. Results The results of the research are summarized in a triad of conditions for the modernization of fixed assets, working capital and production technologies. This allowed the authors to formulate the individual determinants of the innovative formation and updating of fixed assets, working capital and production technologies. It is shown that the intensification of the formation of material and technical support in the Ukrainian economy is characterized by the predominance of investment in updating fixed assets and production technologies. However, the accessibility of international markets for innovative technologies and ensuring the competitiveness of domestic enterprises on them remain problematic, as well as the lack of adequate investment financing. Novelty. The definition of the category of “material and technical support” has been improved through its interpretation as a combination of material resources (fixed and circulating assets), systems for their delivery and development, tools for efficient use and accounting, which perform production functions in the enterprise management system,. This interpretation covers both the assets involved in the logistics system and technologies to manage them. Practical value. The modernization of material and technical support, which is based on the provisions of neo-industrialization, is aimed at innovative renewal, development of innovative potential and its transformation into intellectual capital, implementation of the principles of social responsibility and environmental friendliness in production processes. 
Keywords:Neo-industrialization, Modernization, Enterprise, Logistics, Production technologies, Fixed assets, Circulating assets, Innovation, Development, Intensification
File of the article:EV20202_123-131.pdf
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