Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №2 (70)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Conceptual bases for intellectualization of cholistic development management of industrial enterprises of railway transport engineering
Author:Chobitok V. I., Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy
Annotation:Methods. Generalization and systems analysis provided an opportunity to prove that the development of the concept of the intellectualization of holistic development management of industrial enterprises of railway transport engineering will allow to take into account the requirements of stakeholders, assess available and hidden resources, identify development attractors, as well as become the basis for expanding markets, introducing new technologies with mandatory efficient use of labor capital and elements of the knowledge economy. Results. The methodology for calculating indicators, based on the definition of holistic criteria for the development of railway transport engineering enterprises is considered, the results of which show a deviation in some parameters, and the determination of the implementation of necessary measures, based on the identification of priority areas. It is determined that the intellectually-oriented development vectors of industrial enterprises of railway transport engineering enterprises have a structural orientation, therefore, a holistic approach to the development management of enterprises of this type is of particular importance, that is, management of processes and resources at the same time. The scenarios for resolving contentious issues are suggested, and the need for intellectualization of the management of the holistic development of railway transport engineering enterprises is substantiated. Novelty. The conceptual basis of intellectualization of the holistic development management of industrial enterprises of railway transport engineering is developed, which will allow to take into account the requirements of stakeholders to assess the available and hidden resources of industrial enterprises of railway transport engineering; identify attractors for the development of industrial enterprises of railway transport engineering; identify risks. Practical value. The conceptualization of the intellectualization of the management of the holistic development of industrial enterprises of railway transport engineering will be the basis for expanding markets, the introduction of new technologies with the obligatory efficient use of labor capital and elements of the knowledge economy will help to concentrate resources on the most important areas of the holistic development of the enterprise when developing strategic and operational plans. 
Keywords:Concept, Management intellectualization, Holistic development, Personnel, Resources, Industrial enterprises of railway transport engineering
File of the article:EV20202_151-157.pdf
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