Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №2 (70)
Section:Environmental management
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Principles of ensuring environmental safety of industrial and urban agglomerations in the context of their sustainable development
Author:Dudnyk A. V., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained through the use of the methods such as: systems approach – while improving the long-term block diagram of the system of the ecological and economic monitoring; grouping of elements – in the reference to the most dangerous types of urban pollution; multifactor correlation-regression analysis – while creating the mathematical model. Results. The scientific and methodological approaches were formulated in order to rationally distribute the environmental investments to ensure the ecological safety of industrial and urban agglomerations in the context of their sustainable development. The special emphasis was laid on the modified ABC analysis system that identifies the most dangerous types of environmental pollution based on the results of the analysis of the grouping of elements. Novelty. There was an improvement of the theoretical approaches to the mechanism of distribution the investments in environmental activities, these approaches consider the activities of the environmental and economic management of the local communities from the point of public-private partnership. There was also an explanation of the practicability of focusing the community efforts on creating healthy conditions by investing in the preventive measures for the comprehensive approach to the environmental problems in the local agglomerations. It is based on the description of the concept model of assessing the ecological and economic advantages of the urban system and the scientific basis for the distribution of the environmental investments in the actualization of environmental safety measures. Practical value. The use of the suggested scientific and methodological approach in managerial decisions allows to take into account such factors as the indicators of the current state of the environment and expected changes, the positive and negative management practices at other economic objects of the industrial and urban agglomeration; it also helps to reduce the rigidity of the environmental and economic monitoring and to improve management decisions. 
Keywords:Urban system, Sustainable development, Local agglomeration, Ecological safety, Economics of nature management, Nature protection investments
File of the article:EV20202_202-213.pdf
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