Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №4 (72)
Section:International economic relations
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Components of foreign economic policy of Ukraine: prospective vectors of development in the field of public governance
Authors:Orlov I. V., Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education,
Ksendzuk V. V., Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained through the use of the following methods: comparative analysis and grouping – in generalizing the components of foreign economic policy; analysis and synthesis – in the description of statistical data on the implementation of export-import operations, attracting foreign investment, foreign exchange transactions and migration flows in the country; inductions and deductions – to determine the vectors of development of mechanisms of state management of foreign economic activity of the country. Results. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the components of Ukraine's foreign economic policy are considered. An objective approach to the separation of foreign trade, currency,foreign investment and foreign migration policies as components of foreign economic policy is substantiated. The current state of development of Ukraine 's foreign economic policy is analyzed using rating assessments and statistical data. Conclusions are made on improving the mechanisms of public administration in the field of development and application of tools and methods to ensure their implementation. Novelty. In the course of monitoring the essence of foreign economic policy, an assessment of the functional approach to the components of this policy was made, and the author’s vision based on the types of foreign economic activity of economic entities was proposed. This allowed us to analyze current trends in foreign economic policy and draw conclusions on how to improve the mechanisms of public administration. Practical value. Statistical data on the state of foreign trade, investment policy, characteristics of the foreign exchange market and the dynamics of growth of international labor migration are analyzed. The results of the study are the basis for the implementation of changes in legislation, the adoption of updated programs and strategies for the development of foreign economic policy of Ukraine. 
Keywords:Foreign economic policy, Public administration, Foreign economic activity, Foreign trade relations, Export, Import, Foreign investments, Customs policy, Currency policy, Labor migration
File of the article:EV20204_051-060.pdf
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