Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №4 (72)
Article language:English
Title:Anti-crisis management of passenger transport as a factor of increasing railway competitiveness
Authors:Pshinko O. M., Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan,
Charkina T. Yu., Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan,
Orlovskaya O. V., Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan,
Carra A. O., JSC «Ukrzaliznytsya»
Annotation:Methods. To conduct research, the following methods were used: competition, SWOT analysis, mathematical analysis, marketing models, the PEST analysis method, the decision-making method, the Kaizen approach to achieve a high degree of quality of a product or service, as well as systems approach. Results. The article proves the expediency of applying anti-crisis management of passenger transportation as a factor of increasing the competitiveness of the railway. The analysis of the development of the transport services market has shown that rail transport is gradually losing its passengers, in favor of air and road transport. The management of «Ukrzaliznytsia» has recently made many steps to improve the competitiveness of railway passenger transportation in the domestic market of transport services, but these measures are not sufficient today to restore the lost positions that the railway had before. In order to increase the level of competitiveness of railway passenger transportation, as well as to develop a larger segment in the transport services market, the following tasks are identified: to conduct research and analysis of factors affecting the current situation in the service market, to analyze the advantages of existing potential competitors in the transport services market, to analyze the experience of passenger transportation in the European Union, to develop measures that can be proposed to «Ukrzaliznytsia» to improve the efficiency of passenger services and generate additional profit. Novelty. Areas of crisis management to improve the efficiency of passenger transport are proposed, namely: the development of railway tourism, the introduction of a system of discounts «bonus ticket», the creation of a railway hub, implementation of Kaizen approach to achieve a high level of quality services, the organization of multimodal passenger transport by «travel card». Practical value. The implementation of the proposed measures and strategies will allow «Ukrzaliznytsia» to identify promising mechanisms for managing the passenger complex in the context of an escalating crisis. All these measures will help «Ukrzaliznytsia» to get out of the crisis and get additional profit for the passenger industry. 
Keywords:Crisis, Anti-crisis management, Passenger transportation, Anti-crisis management strategies, Transport service, Railway transport
File of the article:EV20204_076-088.pdf
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