Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №4 (72)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Cognitive modeling of management of entrepreneurial structure as an ecological and economic system
Authors:Tymoshenko L. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Us S. A., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained through the use of cognitive modeling methods – during the study of the processes of influence of business structure economic activity on the environment; multidimensional regression analysis – in determining the coefficients of cognitive model factors influence on target indicators; cognitive analysis and impulse control – when conducting numerical experiments and determining the optimal control strategy to achieve the desired state. Results. It is established that business structures that carry out production and economic activities and actively use natural resources, are poorly structured systems for the fact that both the system of factors and the relationships between them are not sufficiently defined, so it is advisable to apply cognitive analysis for these structures. The cognitive model of the company activity of a fuel and energy complex is constructed, taking into account ecological and economic aspects. On the basis of the constructed cognitive model, the forecasting of a business structure state is carried out, and there are defined the managing influences which provide achievement of desirable ecological and economic indicators of the company activity for a certain period of time. It is proved that cognitive modelling should be used to increase the validity of management decisions in developing a scenario to achieve the desired state of the business structure, taking into account a certain level of environmental protection. Practical value is the use of cognitive analysis to develop a scenario for achieving the desired state of the business system, taking into account the environmental and economic aspects of the activity will provide information and analytical material to increase the validity of management decisions. 
Keywords:Cognitive modelling, Cognitive analysis, Management influence, Systems approach, Business structure, Ecological and economic system
File of the article:EV20204_089-100.pdf
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