Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №4 (72)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Integral system of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of an innovative project at the implementation stage
Author:Bukreieva D. S., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The following methods were used: critical analysis, generalization, systematization and synthesis – to determine the phase and stages of an innovative project, as well as the types of effect from its implementation; econometric modeling – to calculate the total effect of the implementation of an innovative project. Results. There is proved the need to determine the phase and stage of an innovative project in order to increase the efficiency of its assessment. Based on the study of existing theories, there have been formulated the features and main tasks of the «pre-investment» assessment of an innovative project in conditions of uncertainty associated with the lack of reliable information on the choice of priority areas and methods of practical use of innovation and specific conditions for its application. There is investigated the multidimensionality of innovative activity effects, which determined the advisability of systematizing the types of effect from the introduction of innovative technology, taking into account the specifics of the mining enterprise. It has been established that, taking into account technological features, scientific and technical, resource, economic, marketing, social and environmental effects are the main ones for mining enterprises. A system of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of an innovative project has been developed and an algorithm for determining the total effect of its implementation has been proposed. Novelty of the results is the proposed system of criteria and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative developments allows using a set of indicators that take into account the interests of the subjects of the innovation process to obtain the final result in order to improve the mechanism for introducing innovative developments and adjusting the management of innovation implementation in the market. Practical value of the findings is the possibility of taking into account the interests of the participants in the innovation process at the stage of assessing the effectiveness of innovative project implementation in order to select a strategic alternative for its successful implementation. 
Keywords:Innovative project, Innovative technology, Commercialization of innovations, Efficiency criterion
File of the article:EV20204_101-109.pdf
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