Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №4 (72)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:On business cycle of industrial enterprises
Authors:Tryfonova O. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Baranets H. V., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained with the following methods: the method of analysis and synthesis in formulating the research task; statistical analysis, economic and mathematical modeling in estimating changes in business activity, analysis of the density of the relationship between business confidence in the industry and the volume of production of paints and varnishes; formalization in building a business cycle schedule, determining its phases, turning points; abstractions in identifying factors influencing the change in business activity of enterprises.Results. The dynamics of indicators of business expectations in industry is analyzed. The business confidence indicator is based on the Hodrick-Prescott filter is used for building Business Cycle Tracer chart. It is established that during 2012–2020 the industrial economy was in the quadrants of «Depression» and «Recovery». The sequence of changes in the phases of decline, recovery and further «subsidence» of the economy of the Ukrainian industrial enterprises is determined. It is proved that the economic processes in the paint industry went through the same phases of the cycle as in industry during the analyzed period. Factors influencing the business activity of paint and varnish enterprises are systematized. It is established that during 2015–2020 the factors that reduce the business activity of paint and varnish manufacturers were dominant. The indicators of business activity of paint and varnish enterprises are calculated. It has been found that their dynamics corresponds to the change of phases of the economic cycle of the industry. Novelty. A scientific and methodological approach to the study of endogenous elements in the mechanism of economic cyclicality is proposed. This makes it possible to establish the correspondence of changes in business activity of paint and varnish enterprises to the changes in the stages of the economic cycle in the industry. Practical value. The business cycle chart creates the basis for building scenarios for economic recovery (development). Systematization of factors that determine the periods of ups and downs of business activity in the paint and varnish industry makes it possible to form a comprehensive vision of the problems and outline the prospects for the development of the industry. 
Keywords:Business activity, Business confidence, Business climate, Business cycle, Economic cycle, Paints and varnishes, Deseasonalization, Turnover
File of the article:EV20204_133-145.pdf
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