Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №4 (72)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
UDK:338.124.4 (045)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Organizational and economic support of anti-crisis management of business processes in the implementation of reengineering activities
Authors:Arefieva O. V., National Aviation University,
Poberezhna Z. M., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained through the use of methods: analysis and comparison, synthesis and theoretical generalization – to form a system of organizational and economic support of crisis management; abstract-logical – to determine the principles, methods and tools of crisis management of business processes in the implementation of reengineering of the enterprise and the development of recommendations for its improvement; graphical analysis – to visualize the results of the study. Results. It is proposed to use reengineering as a method of crisis management for enterprises, aimed at redesigning and improving business processes in order to improve the health of the enterprise and reach another level of development. It is determined that business processes are the basis of the enterprise, thus, influencing them can improve efficiency and ensure the profitability of the enterprise. The information on the main methods of crisis management that can be used in domestic enterprises is summarized. The classification of anti-crisis management measures has been carried out, according to which tactical and strategic measures, as well as active and passive means have been identified. The place and role of reengineering in the crisis management system as the main strategic tool are determined. Novelty. There is formed a system of organizational and economic support of crisis management of business processes in the implementation of reengineering of the enterprise, which allows the company's management to obtain a quantitative and qualitative analysis of emerging threats that may cause the crisis. The algorithm of reengineering of business processes of the enterprise at anti-crisis management is presented. Ensuring crisis management should begin with the current analysis of the enterprise, namely from the mission of the enterprise, to the timely recognition of signals indicating a possible deterioration of the enterprise, as well as its competitive status. Practical value is the possibility of applying the developed and submitted proposals for organizational and economic support of crisis management, evaluation and improvement of business processes in the enterprise in the implementation of reengineering to increase its efficiency, increase profitability and ensure a sufficient level of competitiveness. The obtained conclusions and results of the research, the given methodical recommendations will promote effective functioning of the enterprises in the market. 
Keywords:Enterprise, Organizational and economic support, Reengineering, Business processes, Methods of anti-crisis management, Business process management, Crisis phenomena
File of the article:EV20204_155-162.pdf
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