Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №4 (72)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Specificity of influence of macroeconomic factors on regulation of innovative activity of medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine
Author:Derigin O. D., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. The study used the method of classification and grouping – when dividing the factors of influence on the innovation activity of enterprises into internal and external ones; as well as structural analysis – when highlighting the main characteristics of innovation. Results. The leading role of SMEs is highlighted as one of the driving forces of economic, scientific and technological progress of society. It is shown that these types of business are the main tool for creating new jobs in the economy and are the conductors of innovative ideas. Along with this, the level of development of SMEs and the activity of entrepreneurs largely determines the level of democratization of the country and the openness of its economy. It has been demonstrated that by supporting small business, the state solves the problems of increasing the welfare of the population, increasing the middle class in the country, which allows it to reach a new, higher level of socioeconomic development. It is determined that the innovative activity of enterprises was negatively influenced by external and internal factors during the period of reforming the Ukrainian economy. The following factors are distinguished as external ones: macroeconomic, political, legal, financial, organizational and communication, scientific and technical, informational, intraindustrial, market, institutional and social factor. Internal factors are determined as follows: problems of fixed assets of enterprises; the level of mechanization and automation of production processes; the level of market research; material incentives; innovative culture. Novelty. The specificity of the influence of macroeconomic factors on the regulation of innovative activity of SMEs in Ukraine is highlighted. Practical value. Understanding that the development of business opportunities is influenced by a system of factors that are of a different nature, allows taking into account their influence in advance and develop an adequate strategy for the development of the enterprise. 
Keywords:Enterprise, Innovation activity, Environmental factors, Internal environmental factors, SME
File of the article:EV20204_181-187.pdf
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