Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №4 (72)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Conceptual approach to the formation of innovative support for sustainable development of machine-building enterprises
Authors:Karlova O. A., Ukrainian Academy of Engineering and Pedagogy,
Sekirozh Ya. V., Ukrainian Academy of Engineering and Pedagogy
Annotation:Methods. While developing the conceptual foundations for the formation of innovative support for the sustainable development of machine-building enterprises, the following methods were used: a systems approach (representing the enterprise as a separate microsystem), factor analysis (highlighting the factors of enterprise stability), and limit analysis (studying changes in the expenditure and income components of the enterprise activities). Results. The article defines that the conceptual approach to the formation of innovative support for sustainable development of machine-building enterprises is a multifaceted process. It characterizes the state of machine-building enterprises and the possibilities of their development in one direction or another. Taking into account modern trends, it has become increasingly important to make further research into the formation of the internal mechanism of using innovative support for sustainable development of the enterprise, taking into account its components. The relationship between the factors of the cognitive model of machine-building enterprises is revealed through conceptual foundations, as well as the relationship of qualitative and quantitative variables of functional dependence between the relevant factors. It takes into account the anomalies of factor-cause and factor-consequence, fuzzy set, which is an approximation of the relationship between the inputs and outputs of the system using a fuzzy knowledge base and operations on fuzzy sets. Novelty. It has been proven that the conceptual foundations of the formation of innovative support for sustainable development of machine-building enterprises are implemented through the use of specific factors and functions: development of a program of integrated formation of innovative support for sustainable development; creation of organizational structures that ensure the adoption and implementation of management decisions in the field of ensuring the maximum use of the potential of sustainable development; formation of effective information flows that will allow to take into account all possible options for management decisions; analysis of factors influencing the formation of innovative support for sustainable development; control over the implementation of management decisions. Practical value. The competitiveness of machine-building enterprises depends on the proper development of conceptual foundations for the formation of innovative support for sustainable development of machine-building enterprises, establishing proportions between its components and the completeness and rationality of the system-adaptive approach. If enterprises take these factors into account in the practical activities, it will allow them to be more competitive in the changing economic environment. 
Keywords:Sustainable development, Impact, Enterprise, Level, Indicator, Efficiency innovation, Provision
File of the article:EV20204_188-199.pdf
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