Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №1 (73)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Quality of local development – improving european evaluation experience in Ukraine
Authors:Karpishchenko O. I., Sumy State University,
Illyashenko K. V., Sumy State University,
Illyashenko T. O., Sumy State University
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained through the use of the following methods: abduction – in formulating a hypothesis that explains the differentiation of activities in the market of residential real estate in Ukraine; abstraction – when clarifying the list of factors, tasks and indicators that affect the degree of achievement of sustainable development goals, in general, and the residential real estate market in Ukraine, in particular; analysis and synthesis – in the study of European and national experience of SDG decomposition; analogies – in substantiating the logic of forming the parameters of the «I-model of prosperity of the city» in comparison with Altman’s Z-model. Results. The results of the study confirmed the hypothesis of the dominant role of a multivector matrix of quality of life indicators in the formation of the structure and dynamics of regional residential real estate markets, which reflect the progress of SDG. Novelty. The authors of the article concluded that it is expedient to carry out an in-depth and meaningful revision of the national matrix of SDG evaluation indicators; assumptions were made about the possibility of the existence of a single integrated indicator that would reflect the degree of progress of any city in Ukraine in the process of implementing the principles of SDG. The authors obtained evidence of the validity of the assumptions that the real estate market and its parameters best reflect the effectiveness and balance of development projects and programs implemented at the local level. Practical value. Parameterization of the dependence of the local residential real estate markets function on the factors belonging to the national list of revised indicators of SDG will allow, firstly, to clarify and reduce the list of such factors, taking into account their importance and strength of influence on the real estate market and, secondly, to get a real opportunity to compare quantitatively the effects of multi-vector projects of local communities within the implementation of SDG paradigm. 
Keywords:Sustainable development, Goal, Indicator, Housing stock, Regional product, Disposable income, Quality of life, Market activity, Model, Housing security
File of the article:EV20211_018-029.pdf
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