Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №1 (73)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Concept of public entrepreneurship in Ukraine
Author:Ivanov V. V., University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine
Annotation:Methods. The work is based on institutional analysis, historical and legal hermeneutics. The methods of functional and categorical analysis were used in the question of the origin of the following terms: «entrepreneur», «entrepreneurship» and their corresponding French-English analogues. Abstraction and economic modeling are used to study motivation of the typical head of the customs post and the customs broker and their relationship. Synthesis of materials on the topic of public entrepreneurship and public mobilization, directions of reforms of the Ukrainian economic system was carried out on the basis of structural and logical analysis and inductive generalization. Results. The definition of the category of public entrepreneurship is complicated by the ambiguity of the concept of «entrepreneurship» in general, as well as the additional uncertainty of this term in Ukraine. Equally ambiguous is the concept of «public» in general in scientific thought and in the scientific field of Ukraine in particular. The term «public entrepreneurship» is proposed to be used in a situation of initiative, creative, innovative, financially risky activities in the public field and affecting, one way or another, public interests. Public entrepreneurship is appropriate to refer to entrepreneurial activity which results in the creation of public, social value. It may or may not include a commercial purpose, be both the main and secondary purpose of the activity, its factual or normative result. Novelty. The study conceptualizes the notion of «public entrepreneurship» as a separate economic category, with its functions, specifics, and place in the socio-economic system. Practical value. The results of the study can be used, above all, by entrepreneurs who operate in the public sphere, or those who are considering such an opportunity. The research results can be used to shape strategies in relationships with partners, the public and the state. This work can also be used by statesmen to conceptualize their activities in the field of public administration. 
Keywords:Enterprise, Entrepreneurship, Public entrepreneurship, Public value, Public interest, Private interest, Public mobilization, Social technology, Public administration, Digitization
File of the article:EV20211_055-067.pdf
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