Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №1 (73)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Rural tourism, biodiversity and sustainable development: complementarity and impact on the well-being of rural population
Authors:Bezkorovaina L. V., Zaporizhzhya National University,
Boika O. A., Zaporizhzhya National University,
Omelyanchyk S. V., Zaporizhzhya National University
Annotation:Methods. In the research, the following methods were used: analysis, content analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, hypothetical, deductive method, modeling method. Results. There is revealed the observance of harmony between economic, socio-cultural, political, environmental aspects is today the strategy of world policy in tourism. The general factors of development of business in a countryside for many countries of the world are defined. Such factors are: integration of rural areas into the global competitive economy; reducing the importance of agriculture as a branch in rural production; socio-economic transformations of rural space; capacity to use the resources of a rural family; compliance with the provisions on cooperation of farms; sustainability of financial and technological support to farmers. It is determined that the European integration vector requires the formation of the principles of structural policy of rural development in Ukraine. However, this policy should be implemented taking into account historical experience, the specifics of cultural traditions, modern practice in tourism. It is determined that the preservation and restoration of biological diversity is important for the diversification of rural tourism. Novelty. The interrelationships and interdependencies of sustainable development of rural tourism, ensuring biodiversity, improving the welfare of the rural population are revealed. Ukraine has significant biodiversity potential and can be considered as one of the powerful reserves for biodiversity restoration in Europe. According to the theoretical analysis of scientific publications (T. Zinchuk, N. Kutsmus) it is revealed that diversification of the rural economy is a strategy to minimize risks: both climatic and biological; reduction of agricultural employment and increasing tensions in the labour market; adverse fluctuations in market conditions and the level of profitability of the enterprise, and thus - the socio-economic stability of the industry and rural development. Practical value. There is a new vector of state policy on sustainable tourism development based on the formation of rural tourism, taking into account the characteristics of rural areas, biodiversity conservation, improving the economic and social condition of the rural population, enrichment of national culture and agro-ecosystem of Ukraine. 
Keywords:Tourist activity, Sustainable development of tourism, Rural tourism, Economic value of tourism, Agroecosystem, Biodiversity, Welfare of rural population
File of the article:EV20211_068-075.pdf
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