Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №1 (73)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Digitalization in project management and electronic commerce
Authors:Smiesova V. L., State Higher Educational Institution Ukrainian State «Chemical-Technological University»,
Dudka A. S., State Higher Educational Institution Ukrainian State «Chemical-Technological University»,
Dmitrieva A. O., State Higher Educational Institution Ukrainian State «Chemical-Technological University»
Annotation:Methods. In the course of the research, the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis – in the formation of ideas about the characteristics of digital management, the specifics of the development of the market for software products in the field of project management and the functioning of trading floors; graphical analysis – to form an approach to assessing and choosing software products in the field of project management and building a competitiveness polygon; comparative analysis and grouping – to develop a classification of electronic trading platforms. Results. The features of the development of digital management at the present stage of development are considered. The theoretical and methodological approach to the assessment and selection of software products in the field of project management has been substantiated. The evaluation of the most popular project management programs on the market has been carried out. The current state of the development of electronic commerce on national and international trading platforms is analyzed using statistical data. The advantages and negative aspects of the process of digitalization of economic activity management are determined. There are proposed the measures of state policy aimed at stimulating the use of information and communication technologies in the process of managing economic activities, as well as changes in the legislation of Ukraine in the field of electronic commerce. Novelty. In the course of analyzing the features of the market of software products in the field of project management, an approach to their assessment and selection is proposed based on ranking and building a polygon of the competitiveness of these products. A classification of electronic trading platforms has been developed according to the following criteria: territorial affiliation; the nature of the operations; types, orientation specifics; signs of creation and belonging; specialization; form of management. Practical value. There is analyzed the state of the market for software products in the field of project management, as well as the features of the activities of national and international trading electronic platforms. The research results are the basis for changes in the field of investment policy of Ukraine, legislation, decision-making by enterprises in the field of economic activity management. 
Keywords:E-commerce, Information and communication technologies, Competitiveness, Software products, Project management system, Trading platforms, Economic activity management, Project management, Digital economy, Digital management, Digitalization
File of the article:EV20211_115-126.pdf
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