Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №1 (73)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Activation of personnel innovative activity in a competitive environment
Authors:Shvets L. V., National Transport University,
Komchatnykh O. V., National Transport University,
Haidai H. G., National Transport University
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained with the following methods: systematization and generalization, analysis and synthesis – in the process of considering the main modern approaches to the economic content of the concepts of innovation potential, innovation climate of the enterprise, innovation activity; when substantiating the prerequisites for the manifestation of innovative activity of staff; classification-analytical method – in the process of clarifying the constituent elements of personnel development, specifying the content of personnel technologies, research of factors of activation of employees. Results. It is shown that the changes that occur in modern society, in connection with the formation of the knowledge economy, cause a significant increase in the value of innovative activities of staff. It is established that the growth of innovative activity of the enterprise depends on the effectiveness of innovative activities of staff, i.e. on intellectual activity. It is substantiated that the accumulation of intellectual potential of the enterprise results from the continuous development of staff. The potential of employees in the form of skills, abilities, experience, ways of thinking, moral and ethical values that allow generating new knowledge - is the basis of human capital and the most important component of the potential of innovative development of the enterprise. It is established that that modern innovative technology used in personnel management increase the efficiency of enterprises. Novelty. The features of effective personnel technologies in the field of personnel management are generalized and the expediency of their application to increase the competitiveness of enterprises is substantiated. Practical value. The formulated directions of purposeful development of the personnel of the enterprises (based on the strategy of innovative development) – with the use of modern effective personnel technologies – can be considered by the management of the enterprises for improvement of the process of development of the personnel and increase of its efficiency. 
Keywords:Activation of innovative activity, Personnel development, Personnel-technologies, Intellectual capital, Competitive human capital, Competence, Managed development, Enterprise development strategy, Enterprise competitiveness
File of the article:EV20211_127-136.pdf
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