Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №1 (73)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Ensuring the development of railway transport enterprises in the context of digital transformations in the industry
Author:Obruch H. V., Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport
Annotation:Methods. In the process of studying the problems of ensuring the development of railway transport enterprises in the context of digital transformations in the industry, the following methods were used: comparative analysis – to study trends in the development of railway transport enterprises and establish problems of their functioning; systematization and classification – to streamline the tools for the development of industry enterprises; systems approach – to form a coherent approach to ensuring the development of railway transport enterprises in the context of digital transformations in the industry. Results. The article examines the current state and development trends of railway transport enterprises, which allowed us to point out the critical reduction of their economic potential and the gradual loss of technical ability to fully meet the requirements of consumers for transport services. It is proved that such trends indicate the complex nature of the problems of development of railway transport enterprises, the imbalance of the current industry management system and its inability to ensure the stabilization of the activities of domestic railway transport enterprises. There is justified the expediency of improving the approach and tools for ensuring the development of railway transport enterprises, taking into account the potential of digitalization. Novelty. A coherent approach to ensuring the development of railway transport enterprises has been developed, which is based on the range of multiplicative properties of digitalization, implemented through the integration of an augmented real and virtual business environment for the development of industry enterprises and the use of digital tools for transforming their business model and modernizing services, business processes and personnel competencies. Practical value. The use of a coherent approach in the activities of railway transport enterprises will contribute to a thorough selection and combination of traditional and digital tools for ensuring their sustainable development, which will help to level the imbalances in the functioning of railway industry enterprises and achieve strategic guidelines for their sustainable growth in the long term. 
Keywords:Railway transport enterprises, Digital modernization, Digital transformation, Coherent approach, Augmented real and virtual environment
File of the article:EV20211_179-185.pdf
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