Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №1 (73)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Increasing the competitiveness of tourism enterprises on the basis of benchmarking
Authors:Yurchishina L. I., Dnipro University of Technology,
Tarasenko V. A., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the fundamental work of domestic and foreign scientists on improving the competitiveness of tourism enterprises based on benchmarking. To achieve the set goal, the article uses general scientific and special methods: abstraction – when defining the essence of the category «benchmarking»; scientific generalization and comparison – when establishing the unity of modern benchmarking concepts; logical analysis – in the formation of the competitive advantages of a tourism company. Results. It was revealed that strategic changes that are the key to creating future competitive advantages are the result of ensuring the long-term development of a tourism enterprise in the corresponding competitive economic conditions. The efficiency and relevance of the application of benchmarking by tourism enterprises at the present stage of their development is shown and the main criteria for assessing the competitiveness of tourism enterprises and their characteristics are developed. It is established that the use and features of benchmarking as a method of managing the competitiveness of a tourist enterprise is a necessary condition for the implementation of its development strategy. Based on the analysis of the concepts of benchmarking in the formation of competitive advantages, it was found that benchmarking has proven to be one of the most effective modern management tools and has become an integral part of increasing the competitiveness of tourism enterprises. Novelty. Taking into account the specifics of the field of activity of tourism enterprises, summarizing the strengths and weaknesses and features of the application of benchmarking, it is noted that it allows investigating not only and not so much direct competitors, but rather the solution of a specific problem by any business entities, and to cooperate with competitors, that is, to build relationships on the principles of openness and exchange of information. Practical value. It is proposed that the heads of tourism companies study and analyze benchmarking as a tool for the formation of competitiveness, the essence of which is to study the best practice of solving the problem that exists at the enterprise, and usinh this or a similar way of overcoming it in order to confidently manage the economic processes in the company. 
Keywords:Tourism company, Benchmarking, Competitiveness, Development strategy, Competitive advantages, Tourism services, Market
File of the article:EV20211_186-197.pdf
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