Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №1 (73)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Public-private partnership as a tool of maintaining the balance of the circular economy model: scientific and practical aspects
Author:Shkurenko O. V., State University of Infrastructure and Technology
Annotation:Methods. Generalization and systems analysis provided an opportunity to prove that the technology of public-private partnership is an investment lever and an effective model of economic management, being a tool for the development of innovative cooperation in a circular economy that will provide a symbiosis of relations on the basis of managerial and economic categories (form of ownership, financial relations, management mechanisms); to implement forms of interaction between the state, research institutes and business; to ensure a synergetic effect and create a qualitatively new mutually beneficial cooperation to solve significant socio-economic problems in a circular economy; strengthen the competitiveness of the state. Results. The author substantiates in the article that the formation and development of innovative cooperation through the implementation of public-private partnership projects is quite successful and promising, taking into account both public and private goals. It is determined that the mechanism of public-private partnership is an effective tool for investment support of innovative cooperation in public management of socio-economic development of the economy. The models of public-private partnership are analyzed taking into account the risks between the state and the private sector, as well as the use of PPP mechanisms in various sectors of the economy in Ukraine. Novelty. There is developed a scientific-practical approach to improving the technology of public - private partnership as a tool to maintain the balance of the circular economy model on the basis of parity of interaction of socio-economic institutions (state – business – science), based on a consolidated basis of strategic competitive analysis and spectral modification (scenarios) ) investment projects. Practical value. It is determined that the technology of public-private partnership as a tool for innovation cooperation in a circular economy will be the basis for integration and consolidation of state, business and science efforts for the functioning and development of innovation cooperation in socio-economic environment based on convergent-synergistic approach, which will promote the development of society as a whole. 
Keywords:Public-private partnership, Circular economy, Tools, Innovative cooperation, Infrastructure, Socio-economic institutions, National economy
File of the article:EV20211_236-246.pdf
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