Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №2 (74)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Mechanisms of government institutions influence on effective management of logistics support of innovative cooperation development
Author:Shkurenko O. V., State University of Infrastructure and Technologies
Annotation:Methods. Generalization and systems analysis provided an opportunity to prove that the formation of mechanisms of influence of state institutions on effective management of logistics of innovation cooperation in modern conditions will take into account the acceleration of accumulation of highly intelligent human potential and expansion of highly innovative technologies to reproduce fixed capital, which is the main tool of the new policy. Results. The author considers the key areas of logistics support for the development of innovative cooperation. It is determined that the development of circular economy significantly influences the choice of innovative cooperation in the context of economic globalization, and this process is influenced by the specifics of economic growth, integration of state and private enterprises, information technology development and creation of a single information space. There is carried out a correlation analysis of the dependence of the number of new technological processes (units) introduced into production and the costs of innovation. It is determined that science, innovation and technology market today are global. In the world technological space there is a periodic change of generations of technologies and technological orders. To join this global wave, it is necessary to develop internal scientific and technical relations on the basis of partnership and to implement joint innovative projects. Novelty. There is formulated an integrated mechanism for managing the logistics of innovative cooperation in the framework of a circular economy through a highly organized level of logistics and effectiveness of management decisions to address strategic issues of economic recovery, increase the level of intellectual human resources, active growth of investment cooperation, crisis avoidance and development of the national economy. Practical value. It is determined that the increase in the dynamics of innovation cooperation is associated with the growing role of innovation processes in public administration. In practice, the diversification of political innovations does not lead to standardization and predictability of innovation cooperation, but to the expansion of its capabilities, the creation of new areas of government, erasing clear internal boundaries, diversification of activities in accordance with societal needs and a multifaceted approach to logistics cooperation in the framework conditions of the circular economy. In this case, the various vectors of innovation cooperation as a positive and constructive phenomenon will lead to the creation of a new, more efficient and more regulatory system of public administration. 
Keywords:Integrated mechanism, Innovative cooperation, Management, Circular economy, Science, State, Business entities
File of the article:EV20212_009-020.pdf
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