Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №2 (74)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Transaction costs: essence and dynamics in the ukrainian economy
Author:Herasymenko T. V., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the scientific development of domestic and foreign scientists related to the definition of the essence, classification, role of transaction costs and the transaction sector in the processes of market transformation of the economy, the formation of its institutional organization and the study of materials from specialized scientific conferences and symposia. During the study, the following methods were used: groupings – in forming the levels of the transactional sector of the economy, based on its scale; generalization – in determining the transactional branches and the transactional sector of the economy and in determining the reasons for the increase in the transactional sector in Ukraine in recent years. Results. The essence of transaction costs is investigated and their assessment is carried out at the macroeconomic level. The specifics of the branches of a transactional nature and their relationship with the branches of the transformational sector have been determined. The theoretical and methodological basis of the three-sector representation of the national economy in the form of an aggregate of three sectors – transformational, transactional and public sectors has been studied. A quantitative assessment of the size of the transaction sector in dynamics in Ukraine has been carried out. The macro-, meso- and microinstitutions of the transactional sector of the economy are analyzed. The structural features of the transactional sector of the Ukrainian economy are revealed and the need to modernize both the sector itself and the economy as a whole is substantiated. Novelty. The scientific originality of the study lies in identifying the main trends in the development of the transactional sector in Ukraine and also outlined possible ways to improve the development of this sector. Practical value. The practical significance of the research results obtained is the assessment of the share of the transactional sector in the gross domestic product in conjunction with proposals for its improvement within the framework of economic policy implementation. 
Keywords:Transaction costs, Transactions, Transactional sector, Transactional industries, Public sector, Transformational industries, Development of the economic system
File of the article:EV20212_060-067.pdf
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