Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №2 (74)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Discourses of national security
Author:Lazebnyk L. L., University of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine
Annotation:Methods. In the process of studying the evolution of security definitions in the context of various scientific discourses, the following methods are used: analysis and synthesis, the method of analogy, methods of induction and deduction, the historical method. The methodological basis of the study was the fundamental provisions of economic theory, a set of methods, techniques and principles of scientific knowledge. A meaningful interpretation of security, taking into account that discourses are linguistic contexts for the use of terms, is based on an analysis of the source base. A logical method was used to summarize the results of the study. Results. This article describes four stages of evolution of the term «security» with different conceptual content are identified: military security (traditional meaning) – as an attribute of the state, which meant the absence of military conflict; then – international security with a broader sense of use, which, however, has maintained a direct or indirect link with international relationships; next – security as a public good or common benefit for all members of society; and finally - human security as a level of protection of its vital interests. This sequence illustrates the basic scheme of security concept transformations and explains its different interpretations. The article presents the signs of key changes in the discourses of security issues. This is a shift of stress from an exclusive emphasis on national security to a much more semantic emphasis on human security. As well as involvement of economic, environmental, humanitarian and similar components to the sphere of state responsibility. Particular attention in the article is paid to the specifics of economic security from the point of correlation with the research of national security. Novelty. This analysis allowed clarifying and developing the «basic scheme» of the concept of economic security by adding the block of personal economic security of individuals. Practical value. Awareness of the need to «humanize» economic security will facilitate a more thorough study of all the attributes of economic security in relation to an expanded and in-depth list of human security issues. 
Keywords:Security, National security, Economic security, Security discourses
File of the article:EV20212_085-091.pdf
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