Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №2 (74)
Section:International economic relations
UDK:657.286.9 : 658.859
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Development of international electronic trade in the conditions of digitalization of the economy
Author:Kozytska H. V., Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic National University
Annotation:Methods. The following methods were used: analysis and synthesis – to assess trends in ecommerce; method of comparison, methods of induction and deduction – to determine the level of coincidence of the degree of development of digital retail at the global, regional and national levels; methods of critical analysis, systematization and generalization – to establish the factors influencing the development of the retail industry; extrapolation method – to substantiate promising areas of ecommerce development in Ukraine based on world experience. Results. In the process of research the stages of formation and development of international e-commerce are considered. The international practice of e-commerce functioning is analyzed. The dominant factors influencing the development of this industry are identified, namely: socio-political stability, the level of welfare and education of the population, the quality of technological infrastructure. It is determined that the United States leads in the number of e-shops in the world; Asian countries dominate online sales, while European countries are leaders in the quality of online commerce infrastructure. Trends in the development of digital retail on a global scale, in terms of individual regions and Ukraine in particular. The dynamics of indicators of online trade development in Ukraine is considered. It is proved that Ukrainian e-commerce market can be attributed to the next generation markets, which is in the initial stage of development, although it shows a fairly high growth rate compared to other types of economic activity. Novelty. The key differences of world and domestic trends in the development of digital retail are highlighted. The relationship between the levels of digitalization of the economy and trends in e-commerce is substantiated. Practical value. The perspective directions of e-commerce development in Ukraine are determined taking into account the world experience, which is the basis for the formation of modern business strategies of the retail trade industry in order to ensure its further innovative development. 
Keywords:Digitalization, International e-commerce, Development trend, Influence factor, Global, regional, national level
File of the article:EV20212_103-114.pdf
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