Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №2 (74)
Section:International economic relations
UDK:331.5; 331.1; 338.1
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Human capital of enterprise in the global space of knowledge economy
Authors:Prokhorova V. V., Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy,
Mnykh O. B., Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Huzenko I. Yu., NTU «Dnipro University of Technology»
Annotation:Methods. In the course of the research a dialectical approach was applied – to determine the main characteristics and factors of modern socio-economic development; historical and logical methods – while considering the evolution of economic thought in the study of human capital; abstraction – while establishing the essence of the concept of «human capital»; scientific generalization – while identifying changes in qualitative and quantitative characteristics of human capital in different countries. Results. Quantitative and qualitative changes in the process of human capital functioning depending on the rate of destruction of old models of economic development, development of new knowledge in various spheres of society life and the effectiveness of their transformation into strategic assets of economic structures at the levels of macro and microeconomy. The relevance of the study of the problem of human capital is proved and its increase in the context of global competition for technological leadership and strengthening the emigration of talent, especially from developing countries. On the basis of the generalization of foreign and domestic experience, there is given a description of changes regarding operating conditions and directions of further development of human capital when the digital economy is forming and new technologies are introduced that change the functionality of market structures, their targets, models and time parameters of contractual relations “employer-employee” in unstable conditions and force majeure circumstances of the pandemic. There is grounded the thesis about the underestimation of the nation's intelligence which worsens the conditions for the reproduction of human capital and attracting the necessary investment for the development of the intellectual labor market. Novelty. The necessity of transition to a new paradigm of human capital development in the dynamic environment of knowledge economy is substantiated. The specifics of this paradigm, which takes into account the growing role of the individual and political capital in the processes of transformation of human resources into a strategically important component of intellectual capital, reflects the new socio-economic space of formation of human capital and human sociology with emphasis on global mobility. Practical value. Disclosure of the importance of human capital for a particular enterprise, national economy and world economy allows us to focus on the sources of its investment and areas of more effective involvement in the process of creating well-being at the level of the individual and society as a whole. 
Keywords:Human capital, Human capital of enterprise, Social capital, Intellectual capital, Innovation, Economic strategy, Transformation, Knowledge economy, Migration of talents
File of the article:EV20212_115-124.pdf
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