Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №2 (74)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Energy saving behavior in the marketing of startup projects and marketing activities of world high-tech enterprises
Author:Kasian S. Ya., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The results were obtained through the use of following methods: dialectical method of cognition, comparison and generalization – to clarify the concept of «energy-saving behavior of economic and social agents»; theories of marketing, logistics, competition and fuzzy logic and fuzzy plural numbers – when developing a methodological approach to the formation of product competitiveness aimed at respecting marketing energy-saving values; index approach – during the formation of the competitiveness index of high-tech enterprises; marketing, economic, graphic analysis – when calculating the sales volume of Siemens AG by regions of the world, establishing a variation in the maximum value of operating profitability in the areas of Siemens AG. Results. Components of energy-saving behavior of enterprises are defined, marketing activity and competitiveness of products of high-tech enterprise are investigated. The components of energy-saving behavior of enterprises are outlined in the interpretation of representatives of various scientific economic schools and organizations. It was found that the energy-saving behavior of economic and social agents reflects the integrated observance of the principles of the concept of sustainable development, aimed at safe interaction with the environment and the preservation of energy resources. The methodical approach of product competitiveness formation aimed at compliance with marketing energy-saving values on the principles of using fuzzy logic theory is proposed. It is determined that the competitiveness of enterprises is formed under the influence of such components as: the economic efficiency of the organization of e-logistics service, the success of marketing activities of fifth-level logistics virtual operators, the level of market concentration, the volume of demand and supply. The marketing activity of the international concern Siemens AG (Germany) was investigated, in particular its sales volume by regions of the world. It was established that the sale of high-tech products and services in the European region, including Germany, plays a significant role in the marketing activities of the concern. Novelty. The methodological approach of product competitiveness formation, aimed at compliance with marketing energy-saving values on the principles of using the fuzzy logic theory, consists in taking into account the components of competitiveness, mapping the functional directions of logistics, logistics service, forming density, continuity of logistics flows, energy saving, during comparison with logistic linguistic variables, which positively affects obtaining competitive advantages of high-tech enterprises. Practical value. It is proposed to achieve the economic effect of increasing the competitiveness of products of high-tech engineering enterprises based on the application of two supporting approaches: competitive and logistical. 
Keywords:Energy-saving behavior, Marketing activities, High-tech enterprises, Product competitiveness, Logistics service
File of the article:EV20212_154-167.pdf
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