Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №3 (75)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Modeling of threats for economic safety of the mining industry
Author:Yatsykovskyy B. I., National Academy of Management
Annotation:Methods. Generalization and systems analysis provided an opportunity to prove that the mining industry remains strategically important for the national economy. Its development is being complicated by the lack of actual actions aimed at creating the necessary safe conditions. The solution to the problem of ensuring economic security as an important component of economic and energy security of the state is to a large extent associated with the process of modeling the impact of key threats. Results. Detailed study of analytical materials and works of scientists have made it possible to form a set of threats towards which it is necessary to prioritize the application of protective measures. Using applied systems analysis and graph theory, the performed modeling provided a hierarchical ordering of the set of threats along with the construction of the corresponding model. The obtained results create the necessary information basis for improving the regulation of the mining industry progress by developing and implementing appropriate measures to eliminate certain threats or adapt to their impact. Novelty. It is substantiated that the level of security of any system is to a large extent determined by the possibility of implementing protective measures against key threats, which should include the elimination or adaptation to their action. Identifying and tracking changes in the impact of threats form the necessary basis for their modeling, resulting in a hierarchical ordering that facilitates the selection of the most appropriate tools and the rational use of resources in the actions of security entities. Practical value. The results of the study should become the basis for improving government regulation of the mining industry as an important prerequisite for stabilizing the national economy as a whole. 
Keywords:National economy, Mining industry, Economic security, Threat, Minerals, Matrix
File of the article:EV20213_043-052.pdf
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