Issue: | 2021 №3 (75) |
Section: | Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise |
UDK: | 658.15 |
DOI: | |
Article language: | Ukrainian |
Pages: | 123-134 |
Title: | Preventive security and forecasting of the competitive status of an aircraft enterprise |
Authors: | Vovk O. M., National Aviation University, Safonik N. P., National Aviation University, Fridrikh Yu. V., National Aviation University |
Annotation: | Methods. The methodological basis of the research was formed by the scientific concepts of the theory of competition and ensuring the security of economic systems. The research results are based on general scientific and specific methods. In particular, the methods of generalization and comparison were applied to formalize the theoretical provisions regarding preventive and anti-crisis management; factor analysis – to formalize internal and external risks of an aviation enterprise; SWOT analysis – to determine the strategic position of the aviation company in the market; methods of economic and mathematical modeling – to identify changes in the level of economic security and competitive status of an aviation enterprise. Results. The article reveals the features of preventive management in the process of preventing and avoiding economic losses, determining its role in strengthening the competitive position of enterprises. It has been determined that preventive management can be considered as management that combines a system of measures aimed at preventing or eliminating unfavorable phenomena that have a negative impact on the activities of an enterprise by using the capabilities of management potential. The main tasks of preventive management include the prevention and elimination of the causes of the alleged crisis states of the enterprise. The measures for preventive management in the following areas of activity are substantiated: the area of production activity, the functional area of activity, the area of management. Internal and external risks that may affect the efficiency of SE «AVIAKON» are analyzed, and preventive measures are identified to minimize their negative impact. It has been determined that the implementation of preventive management is ensured by the use of the following methods: financial and analytical research, management (minimization) of risk by an entrepreneur, audit of management and marketing of an enterprise, comprehensive audit of marketing, preventive reorganization, ensuring the economic security of an enterprise. A SWOT analysis of the activities of SE «AVIAKON» was carried out. There was analyzed the change in the volume of sales of products (services) as one of the main indicators of the enterprise’s work and net profit as a source of covering its subsequent costs, in addition the forecast for 2021 – 2023 was carried out. Novelty. The components of a preventive approach to enterprise management have been determined, its competitive status has been predicted, and the potential of these components in ensuring the safety and competitive state of an aviation enterprise has been characterized. Practical value. On the basis of the study, it was determined that the implementation of the principles of preventive management should provide for constant monitoring of the impact on the activities of the enterprise of the environment of its functioning, which will contribute to the formation of a set of measures to use internal and external opportunities to improve the adaptation of the enterprise to the impact of crisis phenomena. |
Keywords: | Preventive management, Competitive status, Aviation enterprise, External and internal risks, Ensuring economic security |
File of the article: | EV20213_123-134.pdf |
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