Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №3 (75)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Tools for diagnosing the risk of strategic stability loss at forestry and hunting enterprises
Authors:Savchenko M. V., Vаsyl Stus Donetsk Nаtіonаl Unіversіty,
Peshko P. S., Khmelnitsky Regional Office of Forestry and Hunting Farm
Annotation:Methods. The results have been obtained by applying the systems approach: system analysis allowed determining the functional criteria for economic stability of subsystems of the enterprise. The method of logical analysis made the logical basis for the study. The use of induction and deduction methods, analysis and synthesis allowed the authors to summarize the methodical principles and develop practical recommendations for the formation of tools for diagnosing the loss of stability of the enterprise. Methods of economic-statistical modeling allowed predicting the value of the integral index of loss of strategic stability. Results. The authors in the article offer a scientific and methodological approach to the formation of a tool for the diagnosis of the risk of strategic stability loss by enterprises. It is established that the basis of the tools is the results of assessing economic stability based on the use of the theory of fuzzy logic and fuzzy sets. The risk assessment tool for the loss of strategic stability involves the calculation of the integral index based on six subindexes, namely: the loss of financial, market, business, management, personnel and production stability. The risk zones of strategic stability are determined: qualitative development, slowdown, degradation and bifurcation. The practical use of the toolkit for diagnosis of the risk of strategic stability loss at Khmelnytsky ROFHF is demonstrated. Novelty. A set of measures to improve strategic stability management, in particular, the integral approach of economic stability assessment is used to develop recommendations for diagnosing and forecasting the integral risk index of strategic stability loss of Khmelnitsky ROFHF. Practical value lies in the possibility of applying the developed and provided approach for the formation of a tool for diagnosing the risk of strategic stability loss at enterprises in various sectors of the economy in order to increase the efficiency of their management. The obtained results, as well as the methodical recommendations, will contribute to the effective functioning of forestry and hunting enterprises and ensuring their stability. 
Keywords:Economic stability, Strategic stability, Integral approach, Modeling, Risk, Diagnosis, Toolkit
File of the article:EV20213_135-144.pdf
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